EP.004 w/ Mark Neilan - Excel Fitness

Episode Notes and Links

Underdog mentality…

“I guess that sort of underdog mentality was always sot of in me and one new years eve I told my friends I was going to run a marathon and they laughed and the rest is history…” [00:02:28]

Choosing his career path…

“My stepfather was in an accident where a tree landed on his arm and he wound up going to physical therapy. I saw what was going on. It was an active job, you’re with people. For me, I knew I didn’t want to be behind a desk. That just wasn’t for me. So I saw physical therapy and, said “I think I could do this.”” [00:11:34]

Getting started with connecting his running to the Semper FI & America’s Fund

“I told him I’ll run the marathon , I’ll raise the money, but everybody who works here is also going to run the marathon or 10K they have and help me raise money. Everybody was in. I think that first year we raised $24,000.” [00:23:00]

Mark Neilan
Excel Fitness

We have Excel Fitness owner, Mark Neilan in the King Willy Studios. As a multi-time Spartan race winner and ultra marathon finisher Mark certainly practices what he preaches and has raised hundreds of thousand of dollars for wounded veterans while doing so. In this episode, we lace up and try to keep pace...  

Learn more about the Semper Fi & America’s Fund at https://semperfifund.org/.

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